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Lawn protect and feed

Using lawn protect and feed products effectively can help ensure your lawn stays healthy, vibrant, and resilient while also protecting it from pests and diseases. Here are some tips and recommendations for lawn care, including products commonly used in Canada:

1. Choosing the Right Products

  • Fertilizers: Use a balanced fertilizer designed for your specific grass type. Look for slow-release nitrogen fertilizers to provide steady nutrients over time.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Consider products that offer protection from pests while being safe for the environment. Organic options like neem oil or insecticidal soap can help.
  • Weed Control: Use pre-emergent herbicides in spring to prevent weed seeds from germinating, and post-emergent options for existing weeds. Look for organic or natural herbicides when possible.
  • Disease Control: Fungicides may be necessary if your lawn is affected by diseases like brown patches or dollar spots. Look for targeted treatments based on specific lawn diseases.

2. Application Timing

  • Spring Feeding: Late spring is typically the best time for fertilization, as grasses are actively growing.
  • Fall Feeding: Apply a second round of fertilizer in the fall to help the grass prepare for winter.
  • Weed & Pest Control: Monitor your lawn during the growing season for weeds and pests and treat as necessary, preferably early in the season.

3. Organic Alternatives

  • Compost: Incorporate compost into your lawn care for natural fertilization and improved soil health.
  • Corn Gluten Meal: This acts as a natural pre-emergent herbicide and can provide some nitrogen to the soil.
  • Neem Oil: Effective against a variety of pests and fungal diseases, neem oil is a natural and eco-friendly option.

4. Best Practices

  • Soil Testing: Consider testing your soil to determine nutrient deficiencies. This will help you choose the right fertilizers and amendments.
  • Aeration: Aerating your lawn once a year can improve nutrient absorption and help relieve soil compaction.
  • Mowing: Regular mowing (keeping grass at a height of around 2.5 to 4 inches) helps to promote strong roots and prevents weeds from taking hold.
  • Watering: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Early morning is the best time to water.

5. Type of Grass

  • Different grass types have specific nutrient needs and pest vulnerabilities. Be sure to select products and care practices tailored to your particular grass type (Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, ryegrass, etc.).

6. Weather Considerations

  • Apply products during dry weather, ensuring that rain or irrigation does not wash them away before they can be absorbed.

Popular Products (Always Ensure Applicable for Your Area):

  • Fertilizer Brands: Scotts Turf Builder, Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Lawn Food, and various organic options from local nurseries.
  • Pest Control: Safer Brand or Garden Safe insecticidal soaps.
  • Weed Control: Preen, Landscape Weed Preventer (for pre-emergent), Natria (natural products).


By carefully selecting and applying lawn protect and feed products, along with best practices in lawn care, you can cultivate a healthy and lush lawn. Always read product labels and follow instructions for safe and effective use.